Sunday, February 5, 2012


I love the Super Bowl, but I hardly have anywhere to go - I can maybe think of 3 Super Bowl parties I have been to in my life. So, tomorrow, the autism/asperger community on Twitter is throwing our own party! In the spirit of the #AspieParty, this will be an #AspieSuperBowlParty!

I plan to get drunk.

For fun, I decided to come up with a drinking game to go along with watching the game, just in case the score gets out of hand and it gets boring (one of the years I went to an actual party was when the Giants got blown out by the Ravens). I'm inviting everyone to play along!!!

[Note: Playing along with the drinking game is not necessary for participation in the Aspie Super Bowl Party, but having fun is.]

Below are the OFFICIAL RULES for the Aspie Super Bowl Party Drinking Game:

1. Drinking alcohol is not restricted to the following events; feel free to consume as much as desired. However, drinking in accordance with the following events is mandatory.

2. A "sip" consists a gulp from an alcoholic drink (beer/wine/mixed drink/etc.)

3. A "chug/shot" includes one of the following (depending on your ability to handle alcohol):
          a) finishing your current drink
          b) pouring and consuming an entire drink at once
          c) a shot of hard liquor

4. Please drink responsibly. If you are not feeling well and wish to take a break, please do so. And by all means, NO DRINKING AND DRIVING or else you are not invited to the next #AspieParty

5. Consumation in the following amounts must occur when the following occurs:
          a) Opening kickoff - chug/shot (gotta start things off right, huh?)
          b) 2nd Half kickoff - chug/shot (after the halftime show, we might need it)
          c) Any points scored - sip
          d) First Down - sip
          e) Player runs out of bounds - sip
          f) Replay review challenge - chug/shot
          g) Replays of the David Tyree Helmet Catch - chug/shot
          h) Any mentions of Peyton Manning, Colts owner Jim Irsay, or Andrew Luck - chug/shot

I'll be on Twitter during the game for as long as I can remember how to type (@mindofanaspie). Here's to a great game, and a great #AspieParty!!!

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